Sunday 21 August 2011

Alice's Adverntures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

Well i can say that it did not fail to entertain nor to confuse. Growing up i loved the movie of Alice in Wonderland and the book did not fail to entertain and make me smile. There is more of the confusing and silly nature of things not being as they should be. It did move at a very fast pace and i found it to be alittle choppy in places.

I also found that in some places there was not as much detail as the movie and in others there were bits that were not in the movie at all, like twiddle dee and twiddle dum. But i do have Through the Looking Glass and that is also tales from wonderland so maybe they will be in there as well.

i fully enjoyed reading it and would totally recommend it to anyone who wants to see where the movie came from. And with all movies that come from books, the book is so much better then the movie!! Top Notch read!!

Moving along with Jane Eyre...


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